Field Lacrosse Registration

U7 - U19

All players and skill levels are welcome.

Our summer lacrosse program is designed to introduce children to the game of field lacrosse regardless of experience, as well as assist those more advanced players in refining their skills in a positive, energetic and fun environment. We look to allow players to experience the full benefit of a season of practices while having the flexibility of attending games that work with their summer schedule. The season takes place during July and ending in early September.

Over the course of the season, you will practice once per week, with occasional pick-up practices as determined by your coaching staff. Game play consists of three to five competitive events consisting of scheduled game play on a dedicated day on select weekends. Depending on the availability of participating clubs, Provincial Championships have been held, or alternatively, an invitational All-Star weekend game play event.  

RDLA teams participate in the Alberta Field Lacrosse Association (AFLA). Competing teams to play can include Lacombe, Calgary, Edmonton and Airdrie. Select weekends may also include teams from Cranbrook, BC.

Co-ed Field Lacrosse

Co-ed Field Lacrosse is a team game played by up to ten players: a goalie, three defensemen, three midfielders and three attackmen. For more information on Co-ed Field Lacrosse, visit the AFLA website.

Women's Field Lacrosse

Women's Field Lacrosse is a non-contact game played by ten players. It is fast-paced, very athletic and focused on speed and technical skills. For more information on Women's Field Lacrosse, visit the AFLA website.

Equipment Requirements

Co-ed Field Lacrosse requires full equipment the same as box lacrosse, with the exception of cleats instead of running shoes. Visit here for a full equipment list.

Women's Field Lacrosse is non-contact throughout all divisions and requires only field lacrosse eye goggles, cleats instead of running shoes, and a ladies field lacrosse stick, which does differ substantially from box lacrosse sticks. Visit here for a full equipment list.

Field Lacrosse Fees

All members who attended the fall AGM will be emailed a Promo Code to received their $50.00 discount on fees. This discount can only be used once for either box lacrosse or field lacrosse. If you have not received your code please contact our Registrar, Jamie,

2024 Field Lacrosse Fees

Division Birth Years Registration Fee
U7 co-ed 2019 - 2020 $100
U9 co-ed 2017 - 2018 $100
U11 co-ed 2015 - 2016 $150
U13 co-ed 2013 - 2014 $240
U15 co-ed 2011 - 2012 $240
U17 co-ed 2009 - 2010 $240
U19 co-ed 2007 - 2008 $240
U12 female 2014 and under $100
U15 female 2011 - 2013 $150
U19 female 2007 - 2010 $150


Please log into RDLA Orangemen via RAMP to register. If you have never registered for RAMP before you will have to sign up as a new member.

Payments will be made through secure credit card and payment plans are available. If you need to pay through e-transfer please contact our Registrar, Jamie, and include the following details.

  • First and last name of player(s) and division(s) you are registering in
  • First and last name of account holder

All funds are collected in $CDN

A player is NOT deemed "registered" until the entire registration fee is paid in full. A player will NOT be allowed to participate until 100% of the fees are paid. 

Registration Policies

Volunteer Requirements

Special Request Process

Underage Player Exception Process

If you have any problems with your registration please contact our registrar, Jamie, -

Upcoming Events

Feb. 24, 2025 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Try It Night: Learn the Basics of Lacrosse
Collicutt Centre
If you are brand new to lacrosse or curious about the sport, please come to our Try It Night.

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Feb. 24, 2025 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Try It Night: Learn the Basics of Lacrosse
Collicutt Centre
If you are brand new to lacrosse or curious about the sport, please come to our Try It Night.

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Feb. 24, 2025 7:45 PM to 9:00 PM

Pre-season Floor Time
Collicutt Centre
Refresh your skills before B evaluations begin.

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